For some people dandruff is a permanent problem which is the cause of their excessively dry or oily scalp or any other medical reason but for most of the people, dandruff vehemently attacks in winters causing a lot of embarrassment and annoyance. For this, you may want to treat your scalp with a few tried and tested tips to ward off the dandruff in winters such as:
- You may not know but your body and skin may get dehydrated which is one of the causes of dry scalp. Check your diet; add plenty of water, fresh fruit, and vegetables in it. Take vitamin E capsules if your diet is deficient in it.
- Make sure there is no excessive and careless use of hair products on your part. Avoid excess use of blower, artificial hair products, and chemicals on your hair.
- Always rinse your hair and scalp after shampooing to remove any chemical from settling in your scalp as it gives boosts to dandruff production.
- Dandruff can be contagious. Do not use hairbrush or comb of the person who has dandruff.
- Mix a small quantity of vinegar with water and rinse your hair with it. Vinegar is a mild acid that cleanses your skin and scalp. Twice a week, wash your hair with apple cider vinegar and cover your head in a warm towel or shower cap for 30 minutes followed by rinsing.
- You can also apply lime juice or aloe vera gel. Massage almond oil in your hair twice a week and wrap your head with a heated towel followed by lukewarm rinse.
- Sesame oil massage is known to moisturize and calm your scalp and prevent the embarrassing winter dandruff. Give your hair and body a weekly massage with sesame oil.
- Always use an anti-dandruff shampoo in winters because that’s when the dandruff attack is most severe. Use a good conditioner afterwards.source internet....